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Surgical Procedures

When aspects of your physical appearance do not reflect how you feel inside, cosmetic enhancement can be a highly effective and long-lasting way to achieve your aesthetic goals. While every individual has their own uniquely personal reasons for considering a surgical procedure, many patients find they are able to improve their body image, self-esteem, and confidence by aligning their cosmetic desires with their outward appearance. Some men and women may also seek surgical treatment to mitigate the negative health effects of certain physical characteristics. Procedures such as breast reduction and eyelid surgery have helped countless individuals improve their quality of life by alleviating the body pain caused by large and heavy breasts, or restoring the field of vision that may be obstructed from lax upper eyelid skin. Whatever your concerns may be, Minneapolis plastic surgeons Joe Gryskiewicz, MD (or “Dr. Joe”) and John Luck, MD provide a private and comfortable environment for patients seeking natural-looking enhancement at Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery.

Whether you are seeking to address concerns in the face or the body, our plastic surgeons meld the science of plastic surgery with a well-trained artistic eye to provide a wide range of enhancement procedures.


Breast procedures can enlarge volume and fullness, address sagging, achieve more manageable proportions, or renew the breast contours after having children. With the wide range of treatment options available, our plastic surgeons can customize breast surgery to reshape the breasts and give you the results you desire. As highly experienced and extensively skilled breast surgeons, Dr. Joe and Dr. Luck specialize in Quick Recovery Breast Augmentation and other procedures designed to provide a more rejuvenated and youthful look.

Learn More About Breast Surgery


As the body develops through different life stages, there are many forces that can alter the way it looks and feels. While every individual is different, body changes from gravity, genetics, pregnancy, nursing, weight loss, or natural aging can mask a person’s youthful characteristics and make individuals look older than they actually are. If you are wishing to rejuvenate certain parts of your body or to restore your pre-pregnancy figure, or if you simply seek to contour your physique, we provide an array of treatments for your individual concerns. Our plastic surgeons aim to ensure patients are comfortable, well-informed, and confident about their procedure from the initial consultation to the final result.

Learn More About Body Plastic Surgery


The goal of facial plastic surgery is not to change the natural character of a person’s face; rather, it aims to fulfill a patient’s cosmetic ideal through techniques that can provide a natural-looking result. This can be accomplished by resolving an existing insecurity, integrating a more harmonious and proportional balance between facial features, or enhancing the natural beauty of the face. Like the body, the face undergoes changes over time in response to gravity, genetics, the natural aging process, weight fluctuation, consumption of tobacco, and other factors. As a result, wrinkles, smile lines, facial folds, dark circles, or sagging skin can develop in conflict to a person’s youthful vitality. For individuals seeking to rejuvenate or improve their facial characteristics for results that can be long-lasting, our plastic surgeons are passionate about providing state-of-the-art enhancement to obtain the desired aesthetic.

Learn More About Facial Plastic Surgery

Non-Surgical Injectables

Facial injectables have served as a steadfast solution to reduce visible signs of facial aging for decades. From improving the appearance of dynamic wrinkling with BOTOX® Cosmetic, to restoring facial volume and smoothing creases with dermal fillers, these minimally invasive treatments have helped patients everywhere achieve a more youthful appearance. Thanks to our team’s meticulous injection techniques, there is typically minimal to no downtime associated with injectable procedures and many men and women can complete treatment during their lunch hour.

Learn More About Dermal Fillers and Injectables

For more information about our surgical and non-surgical treatments at Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our practice today.