Dr. Joe’s International Speaking Engagements
Whether he is practicing or lecturing, Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz’s comprehensive expertise takes him to every corner of the globe. As a widely acclaimed cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. Joe is frequently invited to speak on a regional, national, and international level. When he is not at his practice, Dr. Joe travels the world presenting research on the latest innovations in plastic surgery. In addition, he takes annual trips to South America to provide surgical reconstruction for traumatic burn victims and patients with congenital deformities (birth defects). Whether he is communicating the most advanced techniques in breast augmentation, introducing new research on anti-aging, providing surgery for rural communities, or demonstrating procedural steps at a medical conference, Dr. Joe can be found anywhere from New York City to Istanbul. Having given over 200 presentations to professional organizations throughout his medical career, below you can find a quick primer on some of Dr. Joe’s notable speaking engagements.